Solutions to Your Most Expensive, Frustrating, Annoying Problems
Process documentation captures your business knowledge, gets your team on the same page, and gets new team members contributing sooner. Define your work and you will prevent mistakes and ensure stability.
Problem #1: Business Process Due Diligence
We want to sell but buyers need evidence that we are capable of executing our mission.
When presenting CRC to 1 Million Cups Greenville, S.C., Dr. Whitener told this story:
“One of our clients decided not to use us for process documentation as their business was growing. They worried about how much time it would take, how quickly it would be out-of-date, and how much it would cost. Last year, that company was purchased by a Fortune 500 communications company. When the details of the buyer’s due diligence process came out, a line item reading ‘Business Process Documentation’ spooked our client. They hired us immediately. We followed our methodology: took very little of their people’s time, created dynamic work products housed in an easily-accessible digital location, and left them with a maintenance strategy that ensured the work would remain accurate.”
A hand went up in the 1MC Greenville audience. Dr. Whitener smiled and called on the person.
“We could have used you last year,” the gentleman said, “We bought a company that looked great on paper. We did financial and legal due

diligence. We knew what we were getting. After acquisition, though, it became clear they had no idea how to operate. Everyone in the company was doing things his own way and there wasn’t a page of documentation anywhere.”
“We certainly could have helped you,” Dr. Whitener said, “And them, as well.”
“We just didn’t even think to ask about processes,” the audience member said.
Are you considering selling your business? Are you planning to buy a business? Business Process Due Diligence explains to the new company how the old company operated. Documentation proves validity: it says, “We can and will do what we sold you we would do.”
CRC can bridge that gap between what a business says it does and what it actually does providing clarity and confidence to buyers and ensuring sellers that the transition will succeed.
Call (803) 569-8200 to get started.
Problem #2: Out-of-Date Process Documentation
Everyone seems to be doing their own thing.
When you hired the experienced people into your ranks, their knowledge was what attracted you to them. Their onboarding would be easy, they could jump right in, and they knew how to execute. You’re grateful they took to the role with pride and enthusiasm.

Then a customer asked if you had two different vendors working with you to execute the plan. You discovered your team uses different vocabulary to communicate the same idea. Why do the documents they submit look so different from one another when what you want is a fluid, cooperative team?
Clemson Road Consulting helps companies like yours find and document a common path for every project. We clarify your methodology so that all of your people are completing the same activities, providing customers with the same work, and delivering the same stellar level of service you expect from them.
"What you guys did for us, we tried to do twice before on our own and failed," said Josh Snead, of TCube Solutions in Columbia, S.C. after we completed their methodology definition project.
Selling your unique methodology for implementations, conversions, or upgrades is one thing. Executing that methodology consistently is another thing entirely.
We solve this. Our methodology mapping services are just what you need to achieve accuracy and consistency for your customers.
To learn more about methodology mapping and how it brings standardization to your business, click here.
Problem #3: Brain Drain
Our executives are ready to retire. We will lose their valuable experience.
Senior leaders are the cornerstones of your enterprise. Their relationships, reputation, and regeneration – that innovation only built through years of industry experience – have helped you achieve success. On the one hand, they’ve earned retirement. On the other, you’ll be lost without them. What happens to their expertise after they leave? Does my succession plan include my senior leaders’ unique skills?
If you don’t get what they know from them before they go, how will you treat their clients? How will you know which contacts and events to avoid and which ones to spend time and resources on? These executives know more than just how your company operates, they know how the industry operates. They are sure and steady hands on the rudder.
No one can replace a valuable, experienced executive. Their depth of knowledge prevents you from giving up too early on a fledgling idea and prevents you from investing in short-lived trends. While experience is non-transferable, knowledge can be transferred quite effectively. Moreover, can you afford the damage done by a lack of a knowledge transfer program?
Clemson Road Consulting will work closely with your retiring executives to unearth their valuable knowledge. Then, while requiring minimal engagement from your workforce, we will package that knowledge into user-friendly learning materials for your entire team.
When trusted leaders retire, their relationships, expertise, and brand reputation doesn’t have to leave, too. CRC will help you protect your organization’s knowledge capital and define the desired skills needed in your succession planning and new-hire initiatives
To learn more about capturing your senior team members' expertise, click here.