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Come on, Managers. Time is Not Work.

When I described the Clemson Road remote, autonomous work environment to a table of young female professionals, their eyes sparkled with the possibilities. Could they really work when they want, where they want? Could they really expect the results they delivered to be sufficient evidence of contribution? Could they really go to the movies at 2 pm on a Tuesday?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Work has traditionally been defined as Effort over Time = Work. While work certainly takes time, the use of time as a primary indicator of work is erroneous. For too long we have minimized the importance of effort. Or, worse, we accepted attendance as a substitute for engagement. Attendance is attendance, not work.

While habitual tardiness might be an indicator that the person is not committed to the work, it does not indicate the work isn’t getting done. And while availability and face-time are precious, setting the right expectations for how much of that is needed is more effective than letting people take up space without contributing.

Managers must do a better job defining work.

At Clemson Road, we’ve changed the formula. To us, Responsiveness and Results equal Revenue. Therefore, we work.

Results means that you must deliver on your promise to do your job. Whatever’s in your Areas of Responsibility must be done consistently and competently within the given timeframe. We don’t care if you create that slide deck at 2am. Just create it.

Responsiveness is your commitment to attend meetings, join conference calls, and respond to email and text within the set timeframe. Yes, we have communications expectations that we share with all team members.

Revenue is how our efforts directly impact the company’s earnings. Is what I’m doing right now bringing money into Clemson Road? How can I save CRC money? How can I find new clients and new projects?

Each of these categories has managerial nuances and policies. What Clemson Road can do is teach your managers how to craft management plans for each team and employee that communicate expectations and drive real engagement. Expecting attendance to equate to productivity is lazy management. It's time to change the work formula for good.

Ready to break your company's dependence on the clock? Contact us today.

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