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Episode 6: Manage remote work with a results-based approach

Main idea:  Results-based work is the best approach to remote work

Sub idea:  Switching to results-based work gives companies the flexibility for remote work


  1. What is results-based work?

  2. What is required for results-based work?

In what seemed like a flash, Americans were told to work from home. For many industries, such as restaurants and construction, working from home isn’t possible. But, if you work in the knowledge economy, remote work is very possible. The problem we encountered with the abrupt switch is that many companies were ill-prepared for the transition. 

Take the case of my sister. She is the payroll manager for a large tech company. Although payroll is entirely digital and requires no collaboration, it took several days for her to be ready to work from home. Several chaotic days of IT members racing around, going house to house to set up employees for remote work, was so stressful one team member ended up in the hospital having suffered a minor heart attack.

There has to be a better way. To avoid all this stress in the future, I think knowledge-based companies should transition to remote options, including results-based work. Punching a clock and riding a desk for your required eight hours a day is so 2019. 

One of the biggest concerns of remote work is how to know if employees are actually working or just hanging out in their houses. Well, I’ve got news for you, slackers are going to slack wherever they are. To ensure you, the paying entity, are getting what you paid for, results-based work is the best way to achieve this. 

What is results-based work?

Results-based work is a management style wherein employees are paid for results rather than hours logged. 

Pros:  Increased productivity, empowered workforce, reduced overhead costs

Cons:  Slackers gonna slack, collaboration complications

But, guess what? Those cons are easily addressed. 

Slackers gonna slack:  CRC implements a 90-day probationary period for new hires. During the ninety days, we learn new team members work habits, communication skills, and management needs. Here are the results of our first round of hiring:

  • One employee transitioned into management role at the end of the probationary period based on her ability to meet deadlines, communicate with team members, follow response standards, and initiate new projects with little effort from management.

  • One employee maintained employment status based on her ability to meet employee standards with managerial oversight.

  • One employee maintained employment status but proved she would require more oversight (reminder emails, shorter deadlines) to remain on task

  • One employee’s status was terminated due to inability of employee to maintain accountability autonomously no matter level of management influence.

Collaboration complications: This is too easy to solve. Try out different platforms like Zoom, Skype, Trello, and Slack to find the collaboration and meeting software that works for you. Collaboration software will help your team feel connected and provide avenues for accountability, easy communication, and partnership.

So, what is needed for results-based work?

  1. Communication - not just about tasks and due dates, but regular communication is critical to establish project values and understanding project requirements.

  2. Accountability - this one’s especially for the slackers. Adherence to deadlines is critical to achieving results-based work. Without accountability, employees will begin to assume that certain assigned tasks are unimportant and will become complacent or even negligent.

  3. Collaboration platforms:  See Collaboration complications for platform suggestions. 

Clemson Road helps companies that are interested in building a strategy for remote work. Contact us at to learn more.

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